

  1. 2024-sc-iot-compcont.webp
    The computing continuum: From IoT to the cloud
    Auday Al-Dulaimy, Matthijs Jansen, Bjarne Johansson, Animesh Trivedi, Alexandru Iosup, Mohammad Ashjaei, Antonino Galletta, Dragi Kimovski, Radu Prodan, Konstantinos Tserpes, and 6 more authors
    Internet of Things, 2024


  1. metaverse-wifi.webp
    Can My WiFi Handle the Metaverse? A Performance Evaluation Of Meta’s Flagship Virtual Reality Hardware
    Matthijs Jansen, Jesse Donkervliet, Animesh Trivedi, and Alexandru Iosup
    In Companion of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE 2023, Coimbra, Portugal, April 15-19, 2023, 2023
  2. continuum-framework.webp
    Continuum: Automate Infrastructure Deployment and Benchmarking in the Compute Continuum
    Matthijs Jansen, Linus Wagner, Animesh Trivedi, and Alexandru Iosup
    In Companion of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE 2023, Coimbra, Portugal, April 15-19, 2023, 2023
  3. 2023-ccgrid-refarch.webp
    The SPEC-RG Reference Architecture for The Compute Continuum
    Matthijs Jansen, Auday Al-Dulaimy, Alessandro V. Papadopoulos, Animesh Trivedi, and Alexandru Iosup
    In 23rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, CCGrid 2023, Bangalore, India, May 1-4, 2023, 2023
  4. 2023-ieee-ic-nvn.webp
    Beyond von Neumann in the Computing Continuum: Architectures, Applications, and Future Directions
    Dragi Kimovski, Nishant Saurabh, Matthijs Jansen, Atakan Aral, Auday Al-Dulaimy, André B. Bondi, Antonino Galletta, Alessandro V. Papadopoulos, Alexandru Iosup, and Radu Prodan
    IEEE Internet Computing, 2023


  1. grademl.webp
    GradeML: Towards Holistic Performance Analysis for Machine Learning Workflows
    Tim Hegeman, Matthijs Jansen, Alexandru Iosup, and Animesh Trivedi
    In ICPE ’21: ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, Virtual Event, France, April 19-21, 2021, Companion Volume, 2021


  1. ddlbench.webp
    DDLBench: Towards a Scalable Benchmarking Infrastructure for Distributed Deep Learning
    Matthijs Jansen, Valeriu Codreanu, and Ana Lucia Varbanescu
    In Deep Learning on Supercomputers, 2020